Monday, June 18, 2007

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Saturday, June 2, 2007

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sepuluh 10

If you are still working at a J-O-B making hardly anything to get by to an average salary you are missing out! Start earning income you deserve and living the life you could only dream of living! This website will show you step by step how to be on your way and start immediately and earn money by doing almost close to no work!

Isn't it time you started living a better life

On our website we'll show you
-How to make money from doing online surveys
-How to make money just being online
-How to make automated cash doing absolutely nothing!
-Much Much More!

Don't do it just for you, but start living the dream life for your family, because after all, a happier you is a happier family!

I am living proof that these programs can work for anyone! I was a washed up fast food crew member making barely enough to live on before I discovered these programs and now, I am so glad I found these programs I would never turn back and I wouldn't give up these opportunities for the world! I am asked everyday frequently, by friends family and others, "How did you do it?" "How is it even possible?"

All these answers can be found in one website.

Sembilan Story

The bank will check your credit and find the bankruptcy. It is a good idea to tell them you have had a bankruptcy so there are not surprises and they are more inclined to help you. It may take three or more years for you to be eligible for loans. You do not want to jeopardize this new start by overdrawing the account or bouncing the check. With the bank systems in place today it is very easy for the bank to monitor your account and they may close your account if you mishandle funds.

Paypal will also allow you to open a savings account if you are having trouble finding a bank to work with. Paypal allows you to pay bills online as well as shop online so you can use it as a bank account until you reestablish credit.

Assets after a bankruptcy are usually limited. You probably don’t have a lot of money to put into savings, but as long as you have steady employment you will be able to reestablish credit. You home is another asset. The courts cannot take away your home unless you have been foreclosed. In the event of a foreclosure you will probably be renting until you can establish your credit. Depending on the chapter of bankruptcy you may have been able to convert some asset into a home that courts cannot take away. For instance if you are a truck driver you can turn that asset into a home rather than loose the truck. Of course if you are still using the truck for your job you may be able to keep it under transportation for your employment.

Delapan nih...

Get Clear On What You Are Here To Do

It might seem like a really obvious question but:

• What are you here to do?

• Are you only interested in your area of expertise, say Finance, HR or Law?

• How interested are you in other areas of the business?

• Do you want to train executives and managers on how to be more knowledgeable in your areas of expertise?

• What impact do you want to make?

Get Clear On The Benefits You Deliver

One of the key questions others outside of professional support services function might ask is:

How is the business getting benefit from the significant amount of investment in the professional support functions?

Could you list 10 benefits that your function will bring to the business? Within the 10 is there at least one benefit that is so compelling that managers will be eager to work with you?

Find Out What Your Clients Want

When was the last time that you did some structured research to find out what your clients want? Being clear about what they want allows you to respond to their needs and add value.

Create A Vision For Your Function

In his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, one of the habits Stephen Covey promotes is to Begin With The End In Mind. At a basic level this means what outcomes do you want. Develop and Implement an Action Plan To Take You Forward

Now that you are clear what you are here to do, the difference you want to make, know what your clients want and the outcomes you want to achieve you can start thinking about how to create it. Document it in action plan with clearly defined deliverables.

Review, Refine and Adapt Your Plan

Magnificant 7

1. Take care of your physical. Sick horse will be killed, so is sick man. May be not literally but metaphorically. Your career can be jeopardized by your poor health. Taking good care of your body is as important as shaping the sculpture before you get the precious monument. It is true that there were many people who were sick and could still be successful. Yes, but that was because that they had no choice. The poor health made their job a lot harder than it should have been. We can choose to work hard and still enjoy what we are doing. That unfortunately will not happen if you have poor health. Getting the knowledge on nutrition, physical and exercise is essential to the process. Practicing this knowledge is a must to your success. Avoid all addiction that will be detrimental to your health. Body is like a vehicle. Good health will bring this vehicle of yours to the destination.

2. Take care of your mind. Avoid the negative attitude from yourself and environment. Top people have top minds. Form a habit of seeing everything that is favorable in making you successful. Feeling good for everyday activities. Learn addition knowledge to keep your mind feel grateful for what have already happened. Meditate if you can so that you can have peaceful mind. Visualization of your success will help you feel more confident on what you are doing and can attract the circumstances you want into your life. Avoid being closed to the sources of all negatives input no matter if they are people, news, or environment.

3. Take care of your knowledge. Leaders are readers. Leaders are also learners. Continuous study will help enhance your skill now matter how old you are. Do not neglect anything that come into your life and see if you can apply that moment. All circumstances have the meanings wait for us to make use of. Be the best at the area you are working will definitely bring you to the top.

4. Take care of your time. “Do not squander time since that is what the life consists of” said a famous philosopher. Study time management is one of the value assets of the top performer. Delegate your task if you do not need to do. Making every minutes count will make you the top performer.

Great its Six

The three main components of stamping are the stamps themselves, the paper, and the ink. Stamps can be place on wood mounts, or acrylic mounts. Acrylic mounts are newer, and a popular version are the clear mounts, which let you see precisely where to stamp. If you are a beginner, a clear version will give you more ability to see exactly where you'll be stamping, helping you to eliminate mistakes. Because of smudging issues with acrylic stamps, its important you get a high quality stamp, which will give you the clearest image and the cleanest lines.

Wood mounts with natural rubber stamps are extremely popular, and the natural rubber will soak the ink very well and give you a very crisp and defined image. However, rubber mounts can take up a lot of space when storing. If you are planning to use wood mounts, you may want to consider buying unmounted stamps, as there are many advantages. Unmounted stamps can be purchased in sheets, and there is a cost savings as you are purchasing more than one stamp. Another cost savings, if you order online, is the cost saved with a lower shipping weight. Unmounted stamps are very versatile, they are backed with a static cling mounting foam, or magnets, and then can be mounted on either wood or acrylic blocks.

While there are many choices, you may want to try different techniques at first, and find out which ones your most comfortable with. However, different stamps work better with certain applications. Foam stamps, for example, work well on fabric. If you are planning to insert a rubber stamp as part of an in-depth, multi-layered scrapbook design, you may want to go with a clear acrylic stamp, so there will be no mistakes. Natural rubber stamps work well for card making and other small paper projects.

Give me five

People earn bad credit ratings due to various reasons. Often it is not necessarily their fault. Payday loan lenders in Australia will only see their employment history to ensure that they will be able to pay back the loan on time. The lenders need to know whether the borrower has a regular job with steady income. More importantly, the borrower must have a bank account to which their employee deposits their salary.

Fast Cash in an Hour

Payday loan industry in Australia is one of the hottest markets today. It is becoming popular as people find it easy to borrow cash in advance without piles of paperwork. Applying for a cash loan from a bank would require at least three or four days and you would have to visit the bank personally. Payday loans do not require all those hassles. Especially with online system, you simply visit a lender’s website and apply for the loan comfortably without leaving your computer.

It takes less than five minutes to complete the online application form with details of your name, address, date of birth, driver’s license, phone numbers, email, employer, bank account and references. Once submitted, a loan officer will contact you to validate your details and may ring your payroll officer to crosscheck your employment. If everything is verified successfully, the money will be deposited into your bank account directly within an hour. It is very easy and quick.

Quadruple for

We are going to focus on describing the / (root) directory and then briefly describe the /root home directory and the root user.

Linux Tips: Articles names ending in "Linux Concepts & Terms" will help you learn how to use Linux "geek-speak". By learning Linux terms you will be able to understand Linux concepts and from this, you will learn how to use Linux! Understanding Linux concepts is the foundation for your Linux training.
The / (Root) Directory in the Linux File System

The root directory in the Linux file system is represented by a / (forwared slash). Think of this as being the root of a tree.

There are several directories that are always created by default on a Linux system, such as the directories named: home, bin and var. And each of these directories always contains the same "type" of programs or data files.

Think of the directories located "off of" the root directory as being branches off of the root of the / (root) directory in the Linux file system.

Linux Tips: In some Linux documentation, the Linux "file system" is also often shown as "filesystem" (one word).
When you run Linux commands or use Linux documentation, there are times when you need to specify the full path (a.k.a. absolute path) to a directory or file. And when specifying the full path to a directory or file on a Linux system, you always specify the path, starting from the root directory.

The Linux Filesystem Hierarchy is defined in a document that outlines the requirements and guidelines for the placement of directories and files for the Linux OS (operating system).

Linux Tips: Just do an Internet search for "linux filesystem hierarchy" to see this document.
Similar Linux Terms: / (root) directory in the Linux file system , /root (the home directory of the root user) and root user

The /root Directory - The root User's Home directory

There is a directory named "root", which is located directly "off of" the / (root) directory. This is the "home" directory of the root user. The path of: /root is the full path to this directory.

Triple Three

What made it one of those days, you ask? Well, it started when I went to pick up a few things at the supermarket and was standing in line with my daughter. She was browsing the magazines and bloids - most of which had photos of stars that the headlines said were either too fat or too thin, when she said, "I'm fat." It wasn't a question. My little nine year old wasn't asking for my opinion or a refutation. She was just saying what she saw as the truth.

I asked her why she said that and she pointed at the magazines. "I'm a lot fatter than all of those people, except the ones they're calling fat. So that means I'm fat too."

In between "paper or plastic" and "thank you, have a great afternoon, I put your dog's ear mite medication in a separate bag", I tried to explain to her about Hollywood, the obsession with weight in this country, the sensational nature of bloids and women's mag's headlines, and, (without totally embarrassing her or getting us banned from the store) the effect of puberty on body shape.I hope I got the point across and that she isn't going to start worrying excessively about her body image, but who knows?

Next, we stopped to have lunch at a chain restaurant and were seated next to two parents-without-a-clue with three children. Two of the kids were bouncing around in the booth with them, but one little guy, who was probably all of a year, was in a high chair at the end of the table. He was not a happy camper, probably because it was past noon and he was hungry and the food was taking a long time. He was crying, so in an attempt to help, the, um, mother, for lack of a better term, gave him a spoon to play with.

Almost immediately, she grabbed it away, because he was banging it on the table. "Be quiet or you're not gonna get any lunch!" she said loudly. The baby started to cry even more and she rolled her eyes and looked around. "Oh, stop crying. This is a restaurant. You have to be patient."

I won't even go into the rest of the stupid things that poor baby had to put up with before he finally got some food in the form of a breadstick that I offered after bribing his maternal unit with a big smile and several comments on how cute her kids were and how beautiful her homemade t-shirt was. (It was emblazoned with a heart with her kids' initials on it. The older kids had made it for her for Mother's Day. Of course.) My son calls people like this "family planning propaganda" and says they should film them and show them in health class in high school.

We ate as quickly as we could and went home in a much darker mood than we had started out in. I was irritable and snapped at the dog when we got home to find that she'd been sleeping on my bed. I wouldn't mind, except that she's a little too fond of rolling around in deer poop. Then two of the three cats threw up - some sort of rodent residue is what it looked like. We cleaned that up and the other cat threw up the remains of a sparrow. We were running out of paper towels and patience and none of us was too keen on eating supper for some reason.

So we sat down with books and tried to read, except that, as soon as we did, a smoke detector began to chirp. I'm sure you've had this happen to you, but I don't know if you've had it happen to you in an eleven room house which was built by inebriated carpenters who attended the M.C. Escher School of Architecture. Our house is like a rabbit warren, albeit not as well-planned. Rooms go into other rooms and hallways go off on tangents. Stairs go up, down and around.

Dynamic Duo

However, the continuing obstacle to improving the performance of a company's human capital is the constant of time. A recent survey by the Wall St. Journal indicated that time was a 3 to 1 greatest need for today's busy individuals. With information doubling every year and those today experiencing more change in one year than their grandparents experienced during their entire lifetimes, validates the need for effective time management.

When we look at time through the eyes of the strategic plan and human capital, we can discover the following:

  • Employees work 260 days.
  • Employees have at least 30 minutes per work day for breaks or lunch.
  • Employees usually have at least 2 weeks vacation.
  • Employees usually have at least 4 paid holidays.
  • Employees usually have at least 5 paid sick days.
  • Employees waste at least 1 hour per day.
  • Many employees receive professional development time.
  • Majority of employees (over 70%) are not totally engaged on the job.

When analyzing the above facts, most employees are actually being paid for 100% of their time while only delivering a 27% output. Therefore, employers must leverage every single second to reap a positive return on their human capital investment to increase the bottom line.

Since time is a constant, time management is really a symptom about ineffective self-management and should be about individual leadership development. When time management is approached from a development perspective and is part of the overall human capital critical goal category within the strategic plan, then human capital ROI is quickly achieved because you begin to address the real problems and realize greater profits.

First messages

It was a fantastic game. Duke was seated number one and John's Hopkins was seated number 3. Throughout the first half of the game the Blue Jays had a sizeable lead. I believe going into halftime John"s Hopkins was up by 6 goals.

In the third quarter Duke battle back with 5 unanswered goals and brought the score to within one point by holding the Blue Jay's scoreless.

Looked like we were in for one heck of a fourth quarter battle and we were. The Blue Jays scored a quick goal putting them up by two and then Duke answered back with a goal of their own.

The score was 11 to 10 with John's Hopkins up going into the final seconds, Duke had the ball and an excellent opportunity to score. They took a great shot, but the Blue Jays goalie made a great save to seal the victory.

I must say being an ex high school lacrosse goalie that John's Hopkin's goal was legitimately one of the best I'd ever seen. The guy was fantastic.

A great game, not the outcome I was looking for, but none the less a great battle on the field and an effort both sides can be truly proud of.

But let's be honest . . . Duke lost. And as I sat in the Duke fan section of the stadium with many of my old friends from school who played lacrosse during my time in college I could tell they were truly deflated.

The team itself must have felt much worse, after going through a grueling season and coming out of it ranked number and going to finals in the NCAA to see their dreams of being the best swept from under their feet by a single goal.

So close, but so far at the same time. Truly an empty feeling . . .

But at this point I ask you:

Will they be back next year to try it again?

Of course they will and they will probably train twice as hard after getting so close and yet being one shot short of the best. It will fuel their fire.

They won't walk away depressed and never play a lacrosse game again. That's just now how it works. You keep on coming back.

In high school as a wrestler I had a dream of being the best and being featured in the Washington Post newspaper as one of the best wrestlers in the area.

I had this dream when I was a freshman and won 7 out of 25 matches, but I held that dream close to my heart and I persisted.

And you know what it was damn hard, I had moments where I cried after a tough lose that I thought I should have won, and you know what, to this day I have memories of wrestling matches I lost that I should have won. It still stings.

But I did obtain my goal. I was featured in the Washington Post my senior year as one of the best wrestlers in the state. At the moment it happened it was one of the best moments of my life.

To this day I hold that as one of my most proud moments of myself. To the next guy this achievement wouldn't mean much, but to me to obtain that goal was worth more than any amount of money and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

It defines me. It told me that if I have a goal and want it bad enough and I keep on coming back after each set back I'll get it.

When I came to know of network marketing I again formed this same sort of goal. To be the best internet network marketer was literally something I went to bed at night and dreamed about.

I would wake up everyday and think of how I could become better and those days sometimes meant hard lessons and huge amounts of money wasted, but it didn't matter the goal was more important than the money.

I never got paid 1 cent to be a wrestler and the Duke Lacrosse team didn't either - we both strived continually in the face of defeat. Why would someone do that if there is no money involved?

Because there are some things that are MORE important than money and always will be.

This is why I find those who say "Daegan I'm trying really hard I'm not going to give up, I've done XYZ and I haven't had any results yet, but I'm not going to give up because I'm not a quitter" quite a dubious thing to say to me.

Doesn't matter if I think you're a quitter or not, only matters if you do.

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