The bank will check your credit and find the bankruptcy. It is a good idea to tell them you have had a bankruptcy so there are not surprises and they are more inclined to help you. It may take three or more years for you to be eligible for loans. You do not want to jeopardize this new start by overdrawing the account or bouncing the check. With the bank systems in place today it is very easy for the bank to monitor your account and they may close your account if you mishandle funds.
Paypal will also allow you to open a savings account if you are having trouble finding a bank to work with. Paypal allows you to pay bills online as well as shop online so you can use it as a bank account until you reestablish credit.
Assets after a bankruptcy are usually limited. You probably don’t have a lot of money to put into savings, but as long as you have steady employment you will be able to reestablish credit. You home is another asset. The courts cannot take away your home unless you have been foreclosed. In the event of a foreclosure you will probably be renting until you can establish your credit. Depending on the chapter of bankruptcy you may have been able to convert some asset into a home that courts cannot take away. For instance if you are a truck driver you can turn that asset into a home rather than loose the truck. Of course if you are still using the truck for your job you may be able to keep it under transportation for your employment.